Thursday, December 23, 2010

is it "fan art" if you worked on the movie?


loose and lively.  er, uh... the painting...not rapunzel
here are a couple of sketches i did in-between boards. i am trying to get "looser" with my drawing while at the same time embracing what i like about working with water color. booth require you to work fast and it is the spontaneity that makes it work. if you spend to much time on one area or the piece as a whole it is easy to overwork it and kill it. i believe i went too far with the first piece. it is hard to know when to stop. you are really working without a net.   the second piece is based on a glen keane sketch so there was a strong foundation already but i purposely did not spend more then 10 minutes painting it and i think it is more successful because of it! i'll keep working on it...


  1. Fanart or not, this turned out lovely :)! I discovered your work by peeking into the gallery nucleus site and I just wanted to say your work is great! :)

  2. Thanks gabby! Glad you like the blog. It's still new for me but I am encouraged by all the positive feedback!
